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RSS Channel: Comments on: Lyngdorf Audio Introduces High-End Cue-100 Loudspeaker 
everything hi-fi

By: Karl
OMG, 2 way monitor like this should not cost more than 1000usd , ok hand made , soldered , with high quality audio grade caps resistors and drivers ...? Ok maybe 3000usd but if they want to charge 20K!!! Why not ask 120Kusd , if snob factor is a deciding strategy than maybe at 120K it would hit larger market share? Sorry but it is outrageous.

By: Ian White
In reply to <a href="https://www.ecoustics.com/products/lyngdorf-audio-cue-100/#comment-156356">Bob Dog</a>. Bob, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but my issue is that I feel like I've seen it before. From another Danish loudspeaker manufacturer. The legs feel borrowed from Devialet. It might sound amazing so we really can't comment on the sound quality yet. Best, Ian White

By: Bob Dog
Twenty one thousand dollars for the ugliest speaker I have ever seen. Hard pass.